Hunt Electric was contracted by W.W. Clyde and UDOT to construct a new Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) in place of existing Exit 57 underneath I-15 in Cedar City. Additionally, Old Highway 91 and Main Street were reconstructed in-place, and new LED lighting was installed for pedestrians. The I.T.S./Data Communications scope of work included the installation of 8500' of new fiber optic communications, vehicle detection systems and CCTV's for UDOT's Commuterlink systems.
This project is a great addition to Cedar City's traffic flow. It will increase mobility with an efficient new interchange for the traveling public and a new southbound on-ramp from the Exit. The old southbound on-ramp was converted to a pedestrian and wildlife trail that now crosses the freeway.
DDI's increase driver safety by having fewer conflict points, better
sight distance at turns, virtually no driver confusion, they make
wrong-way entry to ramps extremely difficult, and pedestrian crossings
are shorter.
**information courtesy of